الاحكام والشروط المقترحة
موزعو الساير اون لاين
الاحكام والشروط شاملة لوائح وأنظمة المزاد
موزعو الساير اون لاين
يشار الى الاحكام والشروط القياسية بما يشمل لوائح وأنظمة المزاد واستخدام الموقع الالكتروني وسياسة الخصوصية ("يشار اليها جميعا بالأحكام والشروط): يرجى قراءة هذا المستند بعناية علما ان استخدامكم لهذا الموقع و/او أي عطاء مقدم لدى موزعو الساير اون لاين ("الشركة") يؤكد موافقتكم غير المشروطة عليها.
1. |
"المشتري" تعني مشتري البضاعة. |
2. |
"الأموال المحصلة" تعني سعر الشراء للعطاء المعتمد والمدفوع من المشتري بحساب البائع المصرفي المحدد ال والتي يتم تحصيلها من قبل البنك المحدد والتي يتاح للموزع الوصول المباشر لها. |
3. |
"الشركة" تعني مجموعة الساير. |
4. |
"سي بي ايه CPA" تعني قانون حماية المستهلك (إذا كان مناسبا لمزادات اون لاين بالكويت). |
5. |
"العقد" تعني أي عقد او اتفاقية ناشئة عن او مترتبة على قبول أي عرض سواء كان العقد ناشئا عن عرض مقدم من الشركة ووافق عليه العميل او عرض مقدم من العميل ووافقت عليه الشركة. |
6. |
"أي سي تي ايه ECTA" تعني المراسلات والتعاملات التجارية الالكترونية (إذا كانت مناسبة او ذات صلة بالمزاد في الكويت). |
7. |
"تاريخ سريان المفعول" تعني تاريخ الدفعة الخاصة بسعر شراء العطاء المعتمد. |
8. |
"اف أي سي ايه FICA" تعني قانون مركز المعلومات المالي (إذا كان مناسبا لمزادات اون لاين بالكويت). |
9. |
"البضاعة" تعني السيارات و/او أي شيء او مادة معلنة او معروضة للبيع على الموقع الالكتروني. |
10. |
هو/ هي (لغير العاقل) تشمل الجنسين "هو" و "هي". |
11. |
"الطرف" تعني المشتري والبائع و/او الشركة وتشمل الأطراف. |
12. |
"الأنظمة" تعني الأنظمة الخاصة بقانون حماية المستهلك (إذا كان مناسبا لمزادات اون لاين بالكويت). |
13. |
"سعر الاحتياطي" تعني سعر الحد الأدنى الذي يكون البائع مستعدا لبيع البضاعة به. |
14. |
"البائع" تعني بائع البضاعة والذي يجوز ان يتضمن الشركة. |
15. |
"المستخدم" تعني المستخدم سواء كان شخصية اعتبارية او طبيعية للموقع الالكتروني ويشمل المشتري والبائع. |
16. |
"الموقع الالكتروني" تعني www.dealersonline.com.kw |
ملاحظات هامة |
17. |
يتضمن هذا المستند احكام وشروط المزاد التي تقوم الشركة بمقتضاها بطرح البضاعة للمزاد على المستخدم. |
18. |
تعتبر هذه الاحكام والشروط الاتفاق الكامل بين الشركة والمستخدم/ المشتري فيما يتعلق بموضوع هذه الاتفاقية وتكون ملزمة للطرفين فيما يخص جميع مزادات البضاعة الحالية والمستقبلية ما لم يتم تعديلها و/او تغييرها من قبل الشركة. يلتزم البائع بالإضافة الى التزامه بهذه الاحكام والشروط بأمر البائع المبرم بين الشركة والبائع. |
19. |
ليس في هذه الاحكام والشروط ما يقصد به او ما يوجب فهمه لوضع قيود او حدود غير قانونية او تجنب أي حقوق او التزامات مترتبة او قائمة سواء كانت خاصة بالمستخدم / المشتري او الشركة في حالة تطبيق قانون حماية المستهلك. |
الموافقة على الاحكام والشروط |
20. |
يضمن المستخدم باستخدامه او بطلبه التسجيل والاشتراك في الموقع الالكتروني وتقديم عطاءات الكترونية يؤكد انه قد قرأ وفهم كافة الاحكام والشروط الواردة في هذه الاتفاقية ويوافق على التزامه بها. |
21. |
يضمن البائع بعرض البضائع على الموقع الالكتروني انه قد قرأ وفهم كافة الاحكام والشروط الواردة في هذا المستند ويوافق حيثما ينطبق على الالتزام بها. |
مقدمة ومعلومات الشركة |
22. |
تزاول الشركة اعمال طرح المزادات بالنيابة عن البائع من حين الى اخر الخاصة بالسيارات المستعملة وذلك باستخدام نظام مزاد الكتروني عبر الانترنت. |
23. |
المعلومات المتعلقة بالبضاعة المعروضة على الموقع الالكتروني هي بحسب تقديمها من قبل البائع الى الشركة وان الشركة لا تقدم أي اقرارات او ضمانات فيما يتعلق بدقة او اكتمال أي اوصاف. باستثناء الحالات التي تكون فيها الشركة هي بائع البضاعة، تؤكد الشركة عدم قيامها بمعاينة البضاعة. يتحمل البائع مسؤولية المعلومات المقدمة في البضاعة. |
24. |
بائع المزاد هو الشركة المعنية بالمزاد الذي يتم اون لاين وعنوانها المسجل هو.............. |
احكام عامة |
28. |
تعتبر هذه الاحكام والشروط الاتفاق الكامل بين الطرفين. ولا تنطبق أي احكام او شروط أخرى صريحة او ضمنية على عقد من العقود بصرف النظر عن الظروف التي نشأ فيها العقد. لا يعتد ولا أثر لأي تعديل او تغيير في هذه الاحكام والشروط الا في حالة تحريره خطيا بموافقة الشركة. جميع الاحكام ومختلف البنود الواردة في هذه الاحكام والشروط تعتبر منفصلة ومستقلة عن بعضها البعض بصرف النظر عن طريقة دمجها او الربط فيما بينها. |
29. |
يجوز تعديل و/او تغيير هذه الاحكام والشروط بصورة دورية من قبل الشركة في أي وقت وبإرادتها المنفردة ويتحمل المستخدم والبائع مسؤولية ضمان و تأكيد اطلاعهم على الاحكام والشروط في حالة تحديثها و/او تعديلها. وان استخدام المستخدم والبائع المتواصل للموقع الالكتروني يؤكد موافقتهم على هذه الاحكام والشروط وأي تحديثات و/او أي تعديلات فيها. |
التسجيل من قبل المستخدم |
30. |
المستخدم: |
يلتزم باستكمال مستندات التسجيل المقدمة على الموقع الالكتروني بصورة وافية. يشهد ان المعلومات المقدمة من المستخدم صحيحة ودقيقة من كافة الأوجه. يلتزم بتزويد الشركة بالمستندات المؤيدة ويجوز للشركة ان تطلب منه لاي سبب من الأسباب بما يشمل على سبيل المثال لا الحصر المستندات المطلوبة لأغراض قانونية. يشهد ان المستخدم و/او المشتري هو موزع سيارات مسجل بمقتضى قوانين دولة الكويت( إذا كان ذي صلة او مناسب للكويت). يقر ان تقديم عطاء لاي بضاعة للبيع على الموقع الالكتروني وأي بيع يبرم نتيجة له يترتب عليه علاقة تعاقدية بين البائع والمشتري. |
31. |
بناء على إرادة الشركة المطلقة والمنفردة عند الالتزام بشروط ومتطلبات البند 30 أعلاه، تقوم الشركة بتسجيل المستخدم كمشترك في الموقع الالكتروني على ان تقوم خلال مدة معقولة من الوقت بتزويد المستخدم باسم سري وكلمة مرور سرية للدخول الى الموقع الالكتروني لغرض الاطلاع على مزادات البضاعة وتقديم العطاءات او المزادات للبضاعة موضوع المزاد على الموقع الالكتروني. |
32. |
تحتفظ الشركة بحقها في رفض او في أي وقت الغاء تسجيل المستخدم لاي سبب من الأسباب دون أن يترتب للمستخدم أي حق في الرجوع عليها او على الشركة. |
33. |
يعتبر المستخدم موافقا على تسجيله بالموقع الالكتروني فيما يتعلق بقيام الشركة بعمليات تدقيق مختلفة على المستخدم بما يشمل، على سبيل المثال لا الحصر، التدقيق في وضعه الائتماني لدى مكتب ائتمان مسجل. |
34. |
كما يلتزم المستخدم بتزويد الشركة و/او البائع بالمعلومات التي قد تطلبها الأطراف او الجهات المذكورة أعلاه بما يشمل، على سبيل المثال لا الحصر، معلومات المستخدم لأغراض "اف أي سي ايه FICA" واثبات وجود حساب جاري مصرفي باسم المستخدم ومستندات تسجيل و/او تأسيس المستخدم و/او أي مستندات أخرى للتحقق من هوية المستخدم واثبات تسجيل المستخدم كموزع سيارات (إذا كان ذي صلة او مناسبا في الكويت). |
35. |
كما يوافق المستخدم على حق الشركة في الدخول والاطلاع عوتدقيق وضعه الائتماني مستقبلا. |
Al Sayer - Dealers Online
Al Sayer Dealers Online
““Buyer” means the purchaser of the Goods;
““Cleared Funds” means the approved bid purchase price paid by the Buyer into the Seller’s nominated bank account, which funds are cleared by such nominated bank and to which the Seller has immediate access;
““the Company” means Al Sayer Group;
“CPA” means the Consumer Protection Act, (if relevant to online auctions in Kuwait)
““Contract” means any contract or agreement arising out of the acceptance of any offer, whether that contract arises out of an offer made by the Company and accepted by the Customer, or an offer made by the Customer and accepted by the Company;
“ECTA” means the Electronic Communications and Transactions (if relevant to online auctions in Kuwait);
““Effective Date” means the date of payment of the approved bid purchase price;
“FICA” means the Financial Intelligence Centre Act, (if relevant to online auctions in Kuwait);
““Goods” means the motor vehicles, and/or any other item listed for sale on the Website;
““its” shall include “his” and “her”;
““party” shall mean the Buyer, the Seller and/or the Company and includes “parties”;
“Regulations” shall mean the regulations to the CPA (if relevant to online auctions in Kuwait);
““Reserve Price” means the minimum price at which the Seller is prepared to sell the Goods;
““Seller” means the seller of the Goods and may include the Company;
““User” means the user, juristic or natural, of the Website and includes the Buyer and the Seller;
“Website” means www.dealersonline.com.kw
This document contains the standard terms and conditions of auction on which the Company auctions the Goods to the User.
These terms and conditions constitute the entire agreement between the Company and the User / Buyer relating to the subject matter hereof and shall be binding between the parties for all current and future online auctions of Goods, unless modified and/or amended by the Company. The Seller shall in addition to being bound to these terms and conditions furthermore be bound to the Seller’s mandate entered between the Company and the Seller.
Nothing in these terms and conditions are intended to or must be understood to unlawfully restrict, limit or avoid any rights, obligations created either of the User / Buyer or the Company in the event of the CPA applying.
The User, by its application for registration and subscription to the Website and the submission of electronic bids, warrants that it has read and understood all the terms and conditions contained in this document and agrees to be bound hereby.
The Seller, by listing the Goods on the Website, warrants that it has read and understood all the terms and conditions contained in this document and, where applicable, agrees to be bound thereby.
The Company is in the business of offering for auction on behalf of the Seller, from time to time, used motor vehicles using an electronic internet-based auction system.
Information about the Goods on the Website are as provided by the Seller to the Company and the Company makes no representations or warranties with respect to the accuracy or completeness of any description. Save where the Company is the Seller of the Goods, the Company confirms that they have not inspected the Goods. The responsibility for the information provided in the listing of the Goods lies with the Seller.
The auctioneer is the Company, which auction takes place online, and whose registered address is situated at - ………………………………...
These terms and conditions form the entire agreement between the parties. No other terms or conditions, whether express, tacit or implied shall apply to a Contract irrespective of the circumstances under which the Contract arose. No alteration or variation of these terms and conditions shall be of any force or effect unless and until recorded in writing and approved by the Company. All provisions and various clauses of these terms and conditions are, notwithstanding the way they have been grouped together or linked grammatically, severable from each other.
These standard terms and conditions may be periodically modified and/or amended by the Company at any time and in their sole discretion and it is the User’s and the Seller’s responsibility to ensure that they are familiar with the updated and/or amended terms. The User and the Seller’s continued use of the Website signifies their acceptance of these terms and conditions and any updates and/or amendments thereof.
will complete, in full, the registration documents provided on the Website;
certifies that the information provided by the User in all respects is true and correct;
will furnish the Company with such supporting documentation as may be required by the Company for any reason whatsoever including, without limitation, documentation required for legal purposes;
certifies that the User and/or Buyer is a motor dealer registered in terms of the laws of the Republic of Kuwait; and (if relevant to Kuwait)
acknowledges that the bidding for any Goods for sale on the Website and any sale concluded as a result thereof will give rise to a contractual relationship between the Seller and the Buyer.
At the Company’s absolute and sole discretion and upon compliance with the requirements of clause 30 above the Company will register the User as a subscriber to the Website and will, within a reasonable period of time, provide the User with a secret name and password and access to the Website for the purposes of viewing and bidding for Goods listed on auction on the Website.
The Company reserves the right to decline or at any time cancel a User’s registration for any reason whatsoever and for which the User will have no recourse.
The User’s registration to the Website is deemed to be consent by the User that the Company may conduct various checks on the User including, without limitation, credit reference checks with a registered credit bureau.
The User shall furthermore make available to the Company and/or the Seller such information as may be required by the aforementioned parties including, without limitation, the User’s information for FICA purposes; proof of the existence of a current bank account in the name of the User; the User’s registration and/or founding documentation and/or any other documentation verifying the identity of the User; and proof of the User’s registration as a motor vehicle dealer (if relevant in Kuwait).
The User furthermore agrees and consents to the Company having access to and/or conducting credit reference checks in relation to the User.
The User acknowledges that the Company:
is not a party to the sale of any Goods;
does not warrant that the Seller is willing and/or able to perform its obligations to the Buyer as contained herein; and
will not be a party to any dispute between the Seller and the Buyer in relation to the Goods.
The Company is the auctioneer and the auction are a closed auction as defined in the Regulations.
All bids placed through the Company will be submitted electronically through the Website and no alternative form of a bid will be accepted or considered valid for any reason whatsoever.
Where the auction is subject to a Reserve Price, the Seller reserves the right to reject any bid below the minimum Reserve Price.
By placing a bid, the User warrants that they have the ability and the intention to proceed with the purchase of the Goods. All bids placed by the User constitute an irrevocable offer by the User to the Seller and may not be withdrawn by the User, unless otherwise agreed in writing by the Seller or the User falls within the ambit of the CPA (insofar as the CPA is applicable in Kuwait).
The Company and/or the Seller reserves the right, in its sole and absolute discretion and without reason to withdraw from an auction at any time before acceptance of a bid and/or to reject any bid received. If any Goods carry a Reserve Price, then the Seller reserves the right to reject any bid submitted below that minimum Reserve Price.
In the event of equal and/or similar competing bids being received during an auction the Company may, in their sole and absolute discretion, elect to accept one competitive bid over the other, elect to reject both the bids or withdraw the Goods for auction on the Website.
Every auction opens when the Goods are uploaded onto the Website and will close week days at 18h30. The Company endeavors to use its best efforts to notify a bidding subscriber, per short message service or electronic mail, if any higher bids are placed on the Website immediately before the 18h30 close time. Where such a bid is placed the User will have an additional 6 (six) minutes in which to continue bidding. The process referred to in this clause 43 shall continue until the competitive bidding ends. By way of an example and in order to clarify the provisions of this clause 43, if Y places a bid at 18h29 then the bidding process will continue up until and including 18h35 and if a bid is then placed at 18h30 then the bidding process will continue up until and including 15h36. This process will continue until no more bids are placed on an item within the last 6 (six) minutes of the auction (which continuation of the competitive process shall be at the sole and exclusive discretion of the Company).
The Company will not be held liable in the instance where the competitive process referred to in clause 43 above does not take place and the auction closes, for whatsoever reason, at 18h30. In such an instance the Company shall have the sole discretion as to whether to re-start the auction, reopen the auction or sell the Goods to a bidder as determined 18h30.
Save for the situation provided for in clause 46 below, notice of acceptance of a successful bid will be forwarded, by electronic mail, to the Buyer notifying him of his successful purchase of the Goods. The receipt of such notice by the Buyer shall bind him to purchase the Goods from the Seller at the amount bid by the Buyer on the Website.
Receipt of the electronic mail notice referred to in clause 45 above sent as a result of, among other things, a Website error or a defect in the Website or server will not be binding on the Company and/or the Seller and the Company reserves the right to retract the notice in such circumstances. The User shall have no recourse against the Company and/or the Seller in such circumstances whatsoever.
Insofar as the CPA, including the Regulations, apply to the online auction, if any:
the rules of auction are in accordance with section 45 of the CPA and the Regulations (if applicable);
when Goods are put up for sale by auction in lots, each lot is, unless there is evidence to the contrary, regarded to be the subject of a separate transaction;
an auction will commence at the published time, as published on the Website from time to time, and will not be delayed enabling any specific person or more persons in general to take a part in the auction;
a person who attends at the auction to bid on behalf of another person must produce a letter of authority meeting the requirements of Regulation 26(3) in order to so bid on behalf of that person;
all moneys will be paid directly by the Buyer to the Seller;
the Company will post the reason for the auction of each Goods on the Website unless the reason is the normal and voluntary disposal of the Goods by the Seller;
a person who intends to bid at the auction must register on the Website prior to the commencement of the auction as contemplated in Regulation 26(2) together with a description of the requirements for registration and in accordance with the provisions of these terms and conditions;
the bidders’ record contemplated in Regulation 26 and the vendor roll contemplated in Regulation 28(4) are available for inspection during normal hours without the charge of a fee; and
the advertisement / vehicle details will contain a statement indicating whether additional costs are payable and how such additional costs will be computed.
The Buyer will, within 48 (forty-eight) hours of receipt of the notice referred to in clause 45, attend to payment of the auction bid price, and any additional sums due, by way of cash or via electronic funds transfer. Bank details will be supplied to the Buyer in the notice. The Goods will not be released to the Buyer until such time as all sums due and owing reflect in the Seller’s bank account as Cleared Funds.
All payments made by the Buyer shall be made without deduction, bank charges or set-off.
The Seller shall, within 48 (forty eight) hours of payment reflecting as Cleared Funds, provide the Buyer with a receipt of payment received and the original vehicle registration papers, save that the Buyer accepts that from time to time delays may occur in relation to obtaining vehicle registration papers and that the Seller will not always be in a position to give the Buyer the original registration papers against delivery of the goods.
VALUE ADDED TAX (“VAT”) (to keep in mind for the future)
All Reserve Prices quoted on the listing shall be VAT inclusive.
All bids submitted by Users shall be deemed to be VAT inclusive.
The Seller shall be liable to furnish the Buyer, against payment of the purchase price, with a properly constituted VAT invoice in respect of the Goods purchased.
Notwithstanding delivery of the Goods and/or registration papers, transfer of ownership in and to the Goods shall remain vested in the Seller until such time as the successful bid purchase price has been paid in full by way of payment of Cleared Funds into the Seller’s nominated bank account.
Ownership in and to the Goods shall be deemed to pass from the Seller to the Buyer once the Company has confirmed receipt of all Cleared Funds owing to the Seller.
The Seller shall give, and the Buyer shall take possession of the Goods within 48 (forty-eight) hours after all sums owing to the Company and the Seller have reflected as Cleared Funds in the Seller’s nominated bank account. The Buyer shall collect the Goods directly from the Seller.
Should the Buyer fail to collect the Goods from the Seller within a reasonable time as aforementioned then the Seller shall be entitled to store the Goods which storage and associated costs shall be for the Buyer’s sole account and will not be less than KD 5, per day. The Seller shall be entitled to not release the Goods to the Seller until such time as the storage and associated costs have been paid by the Buyer and the Seller will hold a lien over such Goods.
Unless otherwise provided for in the CPA (where applicable in Kuwait), all risk in and to the Goods shall pass from the Seller to the Buyer upon receipt by the Buyer of the notice of acceptance of its successful bid in terms of clause 45.
In so far as the CPA and Regulations are applicable to a transaction and in conflict with the provisions below, the provisions of the CPA will take preference:
The Goods are sold as is and as listed on the Website and/or inspected by the Buyer (in their sole discretion);
The Seller and/or the Company shall not be liable for any latent or patent defects in and to the Goods;
The Seller and/or the Company does not warrant the accuracy of the description of the Goods (as per the vehicle details listing and/or the advertisement);
The Seller and/or the Company do not warrant the accuracy of the estimated reconditioning costs as may be provided with the vehicle details listing;
Neither the Company nor the Seller shall be liable for any representations made to the Buyer by any person whatsoever prior to the conclusion of the sale, whether express, oral, implied or in any other form whatsoever.
The User
The User warrants that:
the information provided by it during the Website registration process is true and correct in all respects;
upon the submission of a bid, the User is willing and able to effect payment of that sum plus any additional costs specified on the Website;
it has not, directly or indirectly, engaged in or been involved in bid manipulation and/or unfairly induced any other person to make bids and/or alter and/or affect the bid price and/or in any way colluded with any person whomsoever, juristic or natural, to alter or attempt to alter a fair bidding process;
it has viewed and/or inspected the Goods and/or hereby waives its right to view and/or inspect the Goods and has satisfied itself as to the condition thereof; The User furthermore warrants that he/she is over the age of 18 (eighteen) years.
The Seller
The Seller warrants that:
it is the owner or authorized agent of the Goods;
it has used its best endeavor’s to accurately describe the Goods on the Company’s Website and the listing description is accurate (it however being understood that it is the obligation of the Buyer to conduct the necessary investigation to satisfy itself as to the correctness of the information therein contained);
the Goods will be made available for inspection by the User on reasonable notice;
the Goods will, as at the Effective Date, be in substantially the same condition as at the listing date; and
the Goods will be available for collection immediately after confirmation of receipt of Cleared Funds into the Seller’s nominated bank account.
The Company
Other than the representations stated in these terms and conditions or the warranties as provided for in the CPA and ECTA, where applicable, the User acknowledges that the Company has made no representations or warranties, implied or otherwise, to the User and/or the Seller in connection with the Goods, prior to the Contract having been made or the terms and conditions.
In the event of the Buyer breaching any of the terms and conditions of this Agreement, the Seller and/or the Company shall be entitled (but not obliged) by written notice to the Buyer to:
claim specific performance; or
cancel the Contract (and any sale concluded in terms thereof); and
In either of the above instances the Seller and/or the Company may claim such damages as it may have suffered because of the Buyer’s breach.
The foregoing remedies shall be in addition to such remedies which the Seller and/or the Company may have under the common law.
In addition to any other specific exclusions of liability contained herein and unless otherwise expressly stated herein, the Parties agree that the Buyer shall have no claim against the Company for any loss or damage, of any nature whatsoever, occasioned by any defect, whether patent or latent, or product liability in the Goods supplied by the Seller or any failure to provide adequate instructions in respect of any hazards that might arise from the use or incorrect use of the Goods or the User’s use or inability to use any Goods sold on the Website, save to the extent that the User is a consumer for the purposes of the CPA and such loss or damage is contemplated in section 61 of the CPA and provided that nothing in these terms and conditions must be construed as in any way limiting the rights of the Company to raise such defense’s as may be available to it at common law or in terms of any statute.
In the event of the breach of these terms and conditions by the Company, the User’s remedies shall be limited to damages which shall under no circumstances exceed the purchase price of the Goods.
The User hereby indemnifies and holds the Company and/or the Seller harmless against any losses, expenses, costs or damages of whatsoever nature incurred by the User and/or the Seller howsoever arising, including from any willful misconduct or gross negligence of the Company. The Company shall under no circumstances whatsoever be liable for damages, directly or indirectly caused, or consequential loss of any nature whatsoever. Where applicable, this clause 70 will not apply to a User insofar as it conflicts with the CPA.
The User hereby indemnifies and holds harmless the Seller and/or the Company and waives any right that it may have to claim against the Seller and/or the Company in relation to any loss which it may suffer occasioned by the unauthorized use of the User’s Website secret password and user name.
The User may not actually or purportedly cede, assign or otherwise alienate any rights or obligations which it may have in terms hereof or in terms of any Contract with the Seller, without the prior written consent of the Company and/or Seller, which consent will not be unreasonably withheld.
These terms and conditions and the Contract, where applicable, shall be binding on the Buyers heirs, trustees, liquidators, curators and/or successors in title.
The User elects as his domicilium citandi etexecutandi the physical address as stipulated in the registration documents completed by the User on the Website for service of all notices or legal processes.
The Company elects as its domicilium citandi etexecutandi its registered address specified at clause 24.
The Website, these online terms and conditions, the Contract and any contract entered between the Company and the Buyer and/or Seller shall be subject to the laws of the Republic of Kuwait.
In terms of section 45 of the Magistrates Court Act 32 of 1944, as amended, the User hereby consents to the jurisdiction of the Magistrates Court having jurisdiction in terms of section 28 of the said Act in respect of any action to be instituted against the User and/or the Seller by the Company. It shall nevertheless be entirely within the discretion of the Company as to whether to proceed against the User and/or the Seller in such Magistrates Court or any other court having jurisdiction. (wording to changed to relevant Kuwait legal requirements)
In the event of the User and/or the Seller committing any breach or in the event of the Company being required to take any legal action, the User and/or Seller agrees and undertakes to pay the Company’s legal costs on the scale as between attorney and client, including collection commission, tracing fees, valuation charges, transport costs and other expenses in connection therewith.
The Company shall take reasonable steps to protect the personal information of the User collected by the Company through its Website.
The personal information will not be made available to any third party without the User’s consent or unless required in legal process or proceedings or to protect the rights, property or safety of the Company or other parties. The User acknowledges that the Company will supply the Seller and all other necessary third parties with the User’s personal information for the purpose of concluding a sale of Goods.
The User recognizes that it is the User’s sole responsibility to protect its Website username and password.
The User agrees that the Company may use its confidential information to communicate with the User from time to time, unless otherwise specified by the User in writing.
It is recorded that the Website may collection cookies and/or make use of tracking. All Users of the Website accept that the Company may collect the User’s computer IP address in order to, among other things, measure the number of visitors to the Website for marketing purposes. The Company is under no obligation to protect this information and may make use of this information without limitation.
Save for the provisions of section 43(5) and 43(6) of ECTA, neither the Company nor its duly authorized agents or representatives shall be liable for damages, loss or inability to use the Website, the services or content provided therein. The Company furthermore makes no representation or warranties whatsoever that the content and/or the technology available on the Website is free of errors, omissions, and viruses of any nature or free of interruption.
Any and all information on the Website should not be regarded as professional advice or the official opinion of the Company and it is the User’s responsibility to ensure the correctness of any of the content displayed on the Website.
The User agrees to use the Website only for lawful purpose and in a manner which does not in any way infringe on the rights of or restrict or inhibit the use and the enjoyment of the Website for any third party including, without limitation, conduct which is unlawful or which may harass or cause distress or inconvenience to any person. The Company will not be responsible in any way whatsoever for the content of external websites linked to the Website, whether directly or indirectly. It is the User’s responsibility to confirm any external website’s privacy policy before transmitting personal information thereto.
No right or license is hereby granted to any User, whether juristic or natural, to any trademark, mark, branding, design or any other intellectual property of the Company whatsoever.
All material located on the Website including, without limitation, text, logos and images may not be copied, reproduced, republished, downloaded, posted, broadcast or transmitted in any way whatsoever except for the User’s personal non-commercial use.
The User agrees not to adapt, alter or create any derivative work from any of the Company’s material contained on the Website nor to use any of the Company’s content for commercial use in any way whatsoever, without the Company’s prior written approval.